About Baby's Background
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At BBGINFO.COM, we know that having a baby can be a very busy time. This site was designed together with a sister company, Genesis Systems, Inc., the leading provider of Vital Records systems which registers 33% of the births in the U.S., to create an easier and more efficient way for expectant mothers to provide required information to hospitals and other medical professionals.
As an expecting parent, you probably have a lot of questions. Let us help you find some answers!
What should I pack in my hospital bag? Start with completing the Mother’s Worksheet at BBGINFO.COM
How do I order my child’s State Issued Birth Certificate? After your child is born, log back into BBGINFO.COM and fill out the necessary information. After the State has processed your child’s Birth Certificate, it will be delivered right to your door!
Gathering this information at home, without the pressure of
a deadline so soon after the delivery, when there is time to make decisions and verify the information, provides for more accurate
responses. Baby’s Background was designed with the intent to reduce these issues. In an effort to ensure that the information
collected is more accurate, Baby’s Background found that it was better to capture this information before the expectant mother delivers.
It also makes things easier for the new mother during a very hectic time.
Baby’s Background will use the information that is entered into the system to create the Hospital Information form for you the new mother.
This form can then be printed and taken with you and then given to the nurse/birth clerk at the hospital.
You can also keep a copy on your smart device or just email the form directly to the hospital.
Baby’s Background also provides you with a commemorative certificate and the opportunity to pre-order your new baby’s State issued Certified copy of your baby’s Birth Certificate.
* This information can also be provided electronically, if the hospital is a participant with Baby’s Background.